SG provides several reporting opportunities that help shape a firm's internal accountability, self-evaluation and effectivenss of marketing campaigns.
SG empowers firms by effectively monitoring its progress versus average industry results, inter-firm departments and top industry leaders with the goal of improving internal service levels.
SG identifies various levels of best practices including average response times, auto-response feedback and interaction content by specific industry and overall segments.
SG's vast amount of data leads helps create a 'best in class' service interaction method with the applicable features and interaction content from reviewing merits of each firm reviewed.
SG provides firms with interaction-specific commentary and suggestions based upon the analysis of top industry firms and how they interact with customers and potential customers.
SG EMPOWERS firms with digital access to detailed service interaction data allowing firms to dynamically monitor and evaluate service levels through industry benchmarking.
The saying goes "You can Run ... BUT you can't Hide". The amount of excuses to hide service truths, or poor vendor partnerships, is without explanantion.
Senior executives must be in the know and accept nothing less than being the best when it comes to customer service.
Board Chairs, CEOs, Presidents must be aware where a firm stands in terms of service at all times to protect shareholders' views and values.
Marketing campaigns revolve around ROI and service levels are an indication of how prospective customers are being serviced to maximize returns.
Operations executives should develop a culture of industry-leading response times and service quality by imposing accountability of its contact centres.
Leading firms incorporate accountability and results into performance reviews and use results for training and performance needs and standards.
Both online and mobile platforms provide existing and potential customers the ability to contact a firm through either secure or non-secure channels.
Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are many firms' desired method of contact despite the unknown implied security risks they present.
Telephone interactions, once the clear choice of consumers prior to the internet, are once again gaining steam while firms attempt to automate the process.
Bricks and Mortar contact is primarily used today as a cross-selling technique by many firms while consumers TRUST face-to-face interactions.